Conference Call
Executive Committee Meeting 3/16/20
Conference CallConference Call: (904) 512-0015, Code 412463 Agenda Meeting Packet
CCOC/FCCC Leadership Meeting 2/24/20
Conference CallThe CCOC and FCCC leadership have a meeting scheduled on February 24, 2020, at 1:00 PM Eastern Time. Conference Call: 1 (904) 512-0115, Code 412463 Agenda
TCBC Meeting 1/31/20
Conference CallThe TCBC will be having a Telephone Conference Call meeting tomorrow at 12:30. The agenda and materials can be located by going to the TCBC website at . Click here for a replacement for page #13 of the material found on the website.
Revenue Enhancement Committee Meeting
Conference CallThe Revenue Enhancement Committee Meeting will be September 11, 2019 at 11:00 AM. This meeting will be a conference call. Agenda and Meeting Materials will be posted when available. Meeting Details: September 11, 2019 at 11:00 AM Conference Call Meeting Materials: Agenda Meeting Packet
PIE Committee Meeting, May 23
Conference CallThe CCOC PIE Committee meeting will be held on May 23, 2019. Meeting Agenda and materials will be posted on the committee page when finalized. Meeting Details Meeting: 11:00 am Conference Call line: 1-904-512-0115 Code 412463 Meeting Materials: Agenda Meeting Packet
Revenue Enhancement Committee Meeting
Conference CallRevenue Enhancement Committee will be meeting by conference call on September 11, 2018 at 1:30 PM. Meeting Materials
CCOC Executive Committee Meeting
Conference CallThe CCOC Executive Committee will meet Friday, August 24, 2018 at 4:00 PM(EDT). The meeting will be a conference call. Call: (904) 512-0115 Code 412463
Budget Committee Meeting
Conference CallThe next Budget Committee Meeting will be held on Friday, April 27, at 9:30 AM via conference call. Please see meeting packet for more information. Call in: 1-904-512-0115 Code: 412463