Judicial Circuit Assessment Committee Survey

The Judicial Circuit Assessment Committee (JCAC) seeks your input. Please respond to the JCAC survey linked on this website. All survey responses must be submitted by close of business on Friday, September 1, 2023.


You have a choice to answer as a court-related professional or as a member of the public. This survey contains a minimum of 36 questions and a maximum of 55 questions, depending on the answers provided. The survey should take about 20 minutes and can be saved before finishing and completed later.


The committee will consider six criteria: effectiveness, efficiency, access to courts, professionalism, public trust and confidence, and further elements as are considered when determining the need for additional judges. The purpose of this survey is to obtain input about those six criteria.


Survey responses are considered public record; however, responses are compiled and analyzed anonymously.


To read more about the committee’s work, please access The Florida Bar Journal article here.

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