Latest Past Events
Annual Corporation Meeting
Hilton St. Petersburg BayfrontANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING June 28, 2021 Meeting: Monday, June 28, 2021, Immediately following the 3:00 PM EST Executive Council Meeting Location: St. Petersburg Ballroom in Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront, 333 1st SE, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 WebEx Link: Meeting Code: 172 966 6901, Password: CCOC Conference Call: 1-866-469-3239; Access Code: 172 966 6901 AGENDA PACKET
Annual Corporation Meeting
WebExThe Annual CCOC Corporation Meeting has been scheduled for Friday, July 24 at 1 PM Eastern. Information will be posted to the website when finalized. Meeting Information Conference Call Line: 866-469-3239, Access code: 160 903 3287 Meeting link: Meeting number: 160 903 3287 Password: Clerks2020 Agenda: Materials can be found on our website:...