CFY 2018-19 Forms Released

The CFY 2018-19 forms have been released. This does not include forms related to jury management. Forms can be found on our website:


Please keep in mind the following notes:

  1. If you have any problems downloading the forms, please contact the CCOC.
  2. If you copy data from another source, use the “paste special – values” feature to retain the integrity of the CCOC form. Using any other paste method could result in your form being unable to be imported into our database. You will then need to copy your information to a new form.
  3. Please help us by following naming conventions when saving your file and returning it to us. “CountyName” should be replaced with your county name such as “Manatee.” “Mon” should be replaced with the report month name in the three-letter format such as “Oct.” “Ver1” should be updated to the newest version number of your report submission should you need to send in revisions. All first submission should be “Ver1.”
  4. Monthly reports are due Tuesday, November 20th by close of business to [email protected]. Do not use this email address for questions or routine communication as it is not monitored for such, contact a Budget Manager Directly. Should you require a due date extension, please contact our office.

Please contact a Budget Manager should you have questions or concerns.


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